Ciasa Willy - Impressum

All information about this website.

Website owner:

Ciasa Willy


39036 La Villa BZ

Tel.: +39 3392533161

Contents / links:

Alppixel ™ has no influence on the graphic content and programming of those pages that are linked to this website. For this reason, Alppixel ™ assumes no responsibility and gives no guarantee for the content, completeness and correctness of the texts on the linked pages. This website could contain pages and sections that can be changed by the owner through the CMS system (Content Management System) or other systems, therefore Alppixel ™ is not responsible for the correctness and completeness of the content.

Mandatory information according to EU Regulation No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and Council
Platform for online settlement of consumer disputes (ODR) of the European Commission:

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